Deadly Earnest

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Last revised: March 07, 2014.


Way, way, back in the 1960's, way before Elvira, a favourite amongst Australian students was Deadly Earnest , the TV schlock horror host. Late on Friday nights, the atrocious old sci-fi and horror films became compulsory viewing, solely because of the gothic master of ceremonies.

Australian TV networking was so loose in the 60s that the role of Deadly Earnest was played by different actors in different cities.

The first version of Deadly was in 1961 on TVW-7 Perth, played by Roland Barnes (left).

Below is a menu for the Deadly in your area.



Deadly Earnest - Ralph Baker

RALPH BAKER played the role of Deadly Earnest in Gothic style on ATV-0.



IAN BANNERMAN played the the role of Deadly Earnest on TEN-10, as the "Dead-Pan Ghoulie".


Deadly Earnest - Hedley Cullen

HEDLEY CULLEN was in the ironic position of playing the undead Deadly in the City of Churches.

Hedley had the broadest reach of all, because he was also seen on TVW-7 in Perth. Not bad for a former internee.



Shane Porteus in ACP, looking dark and sinister ...

Shane looking dark and sinister...

SHANE PORTEUS brought Deadly Earnest to the tropics.

Many thanks to TV Historian Chris Keating for all his input.

The Next Generation : _FOSDYKE

Dragging the ghoulish tradition in the 21st Century...

- FosDyke -
Getting made up
for an appearance on GMA

The Death Of Comedy

Good MOURNING Australia



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Sadly actress Maila Nurmi,

who played

one of the original TV horror hosts
of the 1950s

has passed away, age 86.


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I shall be Mr Seek"

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